
10 Things You Should Know About Hoarding!

10 Things You Should Know About Hoarding! Hoarding can be a very sensitive subject. I noticed when I am working with my disorganized clients who have way to much stuff, if a family member or friend refers to them as a hoarder, they tend…
Letting go

Learning to Let Go of Your Stuff!

Learning To Let Go of Your Stuff! I often get calls from clients saying that they have too much stuff. That they lack space in their homes and because they have too many items, nothing feels organized. Letting go of items can be challenging…


Why do we have so much stuff?Kathy McEwan (Second Set of Hands)

Episode 54: Why do we have so much stuff?

You ever wonder why we have so much stuff? In this week’s episode I provide 8 reasons why we have soooo much stuff and what you can do to stop bringing in so many items into your home. The less items you have, the easier it is to have an organized,…