7 Tips To Develop Habits That Will Last
According to a study out of Duke University, 45% of the activities we do in a day are already a habit.
Think about when you get up in the morning. Most of us are still waking up but have still managed to put the coffee…
How To Get Motivated and Stay Motivated
Get Motivated
Getting motivated and staying motivated can be difficult.
Do you ever find yourself inspired to finally clean out the bedroom closet after listening to a home organizing podcast?
Many of us have great intentions…
Episode 72: 10 Simple Habits for a More Organized Home
Did you know that having an organized home really comes down to habits?
Sure does.
And on this week's episode I will be covering 10 simple habits for a more organized home with one bonus habit at the end. All these habits are achievable…
Episode 47: 4 Habits You Need To Stay Organized
Did you know that in order to have an organized home and stay organized it all comes down to habits. Yup it sure does. So what kind of habits should you have? Have a listen as I go into detail exactly what you need to do to stay organized.
Episode 38: How to Get Movitaved & Stay Motivated
Get Motivated Stay Motivated
Do you ever find yourself inspired to organize your home but lack the motivation to make it happen? In this episode, I'll give you tips on how to get motivated and stay motivated through all the stages of your project.