
Minimalist lifestyle: Improve Your Finances, Stress & Your Life
When most people think of minimalism, they think of owning as few things as possible.
But what’s the real impact of having less in your home and your life?
Adopting a more minimalist lifestyle can keep dollars…

Spring Clearing- Getting Organized for Spring
Are you thinking about Spring clearing?
Spring has sprung here in Canada. Our days are getting longer, we’re opening our windows for the first time in months and we’re feeling a sense of renewal in the air.
The “Spring…

What Is A Home Inventory & Why Should You Consider One?
What is a home inventory?
A home inventory is an up-to-date list of your possessions or belongings with an approximate financial value of those items.
Why it's necessary
"Hope for the best, plan for the worst." Lee Child

6 Mindset Shifts You Need For An Organized Home
We don't complete a task or reach a goal unless we put ourselves in the right mindset to achieve those goals.
The same is true for organizing your home.
Here are some mindset shifts that will help you reach those home organization…

8 Easy Tips to Get Organized For Christmas
The holidays are a wonderful time as we make time for those important to us. But, they can also be a very stressful time.
Here are some EASY tips to help get you get organized for Christmas and get through the holiday season without the…

5 Effective Ways To Get Your Home Organized For Fall/Winter
It's that time of year again; cooler days and nights mean warmer sweaters, thicker socks, comfort food, cozy fires and soft blankets. It also means that it's time to get your home organized for Fall/Winter.
Here are five ways…

8 Ways to Better Organize Your Bedroom
It's important to determine what purpose the bedroom will serve before you begin organizing.
A bedroom can be many things, including a home office, a room to relax and watch TV, a place to read, or it can be solely a place for sleep.

7 Tips to Keep Your Bathroom Organized
Trouble maintaining an organized bathroom?
Are you the type of person who walks into the Pharmacy with the intention of picking up one thing and walks out with the latest lipstick or face cream in tow?
Are you tired of wasting…

10 Must Have Organizing Products for an Organized Home
1.Brother PTH110 Easy, Portable Label Maker- The first of the organizing products I recommend are label makers. A good amount of clutter comes from items that don't have a home. Labelling a container that houses the…

How To Stay Organized While Working From Home
Are you organized while working from home?
This past year we've had to rethink everything from how we do groceries to where we do business. For many of us, that meant we were ditching the commute and setting up offices in our home.

What Is The Difference Between Organizing And Decluttering Your Home?
It's that time of year again!
Spring can mean a time to declutter and organize your home.
These words are often used interchangeably, but they have very different meanings. In fact, to successfully organize your home, it's…

10 Simple Tips To Organize Your Kitchen & You For Healthy Eating
10 Simple Tips To Organize Your Kitchen & You For Healthy Eating
These 10 simple tips to organize your kitchen will have you and your family eating healthy without feeling overwhelmed. In fact, eating healthy doesn’t have…

How to Get Organized and Host a Thanksgiving Dinner
I can't believe that the Canadian Thanksgiving weekend is almost here! This often means hosting friends and family, something I do to celebrate Thanksgiving and my son's birthday. Are you hosting a Thanksgiving dinner? We have some great…

Big Perks of Tiny Houses
Tiny houses have been around for a while, and the trend doesn’t seem to be fading away anytime soon. The tiny house lifestyle may not work for everyone, but it’s worth considering if you are looking to truly simplify your life.

Episode 72: 10 Simple Habits for a More Organized Home
Did you know that having an organized home really comes down to habits?
Sure does.
And on this week's episode I will be covering 10 simple habits for a more organized home with one bonus habit at the end. All these habits are achievable…

Episode 63: Very Important Downsizing Tips
Downsizing can be extremely stressful, especially if you have lived in your home for many years and you have to let some items go. On this week’s episode, I provide some very important tips to help anyone who is planning on downsizing. Check…

Episode 62: How to Make a To-do List Work for You
Did you know that there is a right and wrong way to create to-do lists? Yup, sure is. On this week’s episode I go over 6 ways to make a to-do list work for you, the benefits of a to-do list, tips to keep your to-do list running smoothly, and…

Episode 60: How to Get Organized for 2022
Episode 60: How to Get Organized For 2022
Are you tired of bein in the same disarray as you were the year before?
The new year is a chance to try something new, get clarity and organized. In this episode I provide tips to help you have a successful…

Episode 59: How to Encourage a Messy Partner to Get Organized
Do you live with a partner who is messy? Do you wish he or she would tidy up, so you don’t have to come home to a mess? If so, this episode is for you. I go over how to encourage a messy partner to get organized.
P.S. I would be so grateful…

Episode 57: 8 Easy Tips to Get Organized for Christmas
Are you ready to get organized for Christmas?
The holidays are a great time to see family and friends but it can also be a very stressful time. On this week’s episode I go over 8 Easy tips to get organized for Christmas, Hanukah or any holiday…

Episode 54: Why do we have so much stuff?
You ever wonder why we have so much stuff? In this week’s episode I provide 8 reasons why we have soooo much stuff and what you can do to stop bringing in so many items into your home. The less items you have, the easier it is to have an organized,…

Episode 52: Meg’s Journey to Having an Organized Home
On this week’s episode I have the pleasure of speaking with Meg about her organizing journey. Meg is a momma and works long hours. Her home got messy and things started to really pile up. Learn how she went from having a messy home to having…

Episode 49: Best Tips For Living a Productive, Simple Life
Do you wish you could have a more simple life? Or be more productive? On this week’s episode I cover several tips on how to have a more simplified and productive life, and how to reach your life goals.
P.S. I would be so grateful if you would…

Episode 48: 11 Easy Bathroom Organizing Tips
Episode 48: Easy bathroom organizing tips!
Bathroom clutter can be so overwhelming. If you have clutter in your bathroom, this episode is for you. I provide 11 easy bathroom organizing tips to help you so you can have a clutter free and organized…

Episode 47: 4 Habits You Need To Stay Organized
Did you know that in order to have an organized home and stay organized it all comes down to habits. Yup it sure does. So what kind of habits should you have? Have a listen as I go into detail exactly what you need to do to stay organized.

Episode 46: 10 Must Have Organizing Products For An Organized Home
Episode 46: 10 must have organizing products for an organized home
Do you ever wonder what organizing supplies to buy? Do you see lots of organizing products and get overwhelmed? If so, not to worry. Have a listen to this episode where I go…

Episode 39: 7 Life Changing Tips When You’re Overwhelmed with Laundry
Are you overwhelmed with laundry? Do you struggle to keep up with it? Do you have piles of laundry to do or piles of clean clothes that are not put away?
A common problem that I hear from a lot of people is that they feel overwhelmed by laundry.

Episode 38: How to Get Movitaved & Stay Motivated
Get Motivated Stay Motivated
Do you ever find yourself inspired to organize your home but lack the motivation to make it happen? In this episode, I'll give you tips on how to get motivated and stay motivated through all the stages of your project.

Episode 32: How to Become More Organized In 20 Minutes or Less
Show Notes: How to become more organized
Home organizing that can be done in 20 minutes or less? Wait?? What?? Is that possible? Yes it sure is and I will be explaining how. I will be discussing 12 different tasks that you can do in 20 minutes…

Episode 30: 7 Important Home Organizing Questions Answered
Important home organizing questions.
In this episode I answer some really important home organizing questions that were asked by community members in our Facebook group Organize for Success. If you have clutter, there is a good chance…

Episode 28: 7 Ways To Increase Productivity In A Crisis
Increase productivity
Life in general can be stressful at times which can lower our productivity level but add a crisis in the mix and it is even harder to get everything you want done. Do you wish you had more time to do the things you love…

Episode 26: Home Organizing is Not About Tidying Up and Here is Why!
Home Organizing Isn’t About Tidying Up and Here’s Why
Did you know that home organizing isn’t really about tidying up? Sure, you have to tidy up in order to have an organized home. That’s very true! But that is not really what…

Episode 25: Home Organizing During Covid-19
Home Organizing During Covid-19
The Coronavirus has taken a real toll on our society and I hope you and your loved ones are staying safe. I am thinking about all of you during this difficult time.
Now more than ever is a good…

Episode 16: Closets and Clothes
Description- closet and clothes
Episode 16 Show notes
Do you ever open your closet and think “I have nothing to wear!” even though there is no shortage of clothing, shoes and accessories? Or you go to your closet and…

Episode 15: Behind in Getting Your Tasks Done? What I did to keep me on track and get organized!
Do you ever get behind in your tasks and feel overwhelmed? Want to get organized and stay on track?
If so, I am going to share with you how I have been feeling lately, how my tasks have been falling behind, and what I did…

Episode 14: 20 Ways Moms Can Get Organized – PART 2
Episode 14 –20 Ways Moms Can Get Organized –Part 2 Are you a busy mom (or dad)?
Do you struggle with finding the time to get everything done?
Do you feel overwhelmed, stressed and tired?
If so this episode is for…

Episode 11: 10 Top Reasons Why We Have Clutter and What We Can Do About it!
Episode 11 –10 Top Reasons Why We Have Clutter and What We Can Do About it!
Do you have clutter? Do youever wonder why you have so much clutter? Well there are lots of reasons why people have clutter, and not everyone…

Episode 07: How To Become More Productive In 7 Easy Steps
Download PDF Shown Above
Do you wish you had more time in your day to do the things you love to do? Do you feel overwhelmed with all that needs to be done? Do you want to have more productive days? If…