Organize For Success
The Organizing for Success Podcast, is hosted by Kathy McEwan, CPO and Second Set of Hands CEO. Kathy is a Certified Professional Organizer, and owner of a professional home and office organizing business, and her goal is to help as many people as she can go from feeling overwhelmed to being organized. Kathy interviews experts in various fields which will help you become more organized in all area s of your life.

Episode 96: Boosting Your Confidence Through Decluttering with Master Life Coach Lucy Liu
An exclusive interview with master life coach, Lucy Liu. In this insightful conversation, Lucy shares her expertise and practical tips to help you with your home organizing journey. Lucy answers the following questions providing…

Episode 95: Interview with Angela Sutcliffe
Angela’s story about when she realized she had too much stuff, and how she got past feeling overwhelmed and achieved having an organized home that she loves.

Episode 94: Productivity for How You Are Wired with Ellen Faye
Do you want to become more productive but not sure how? In today’s episode, our guest is Ellen Faye, a Certified Productivity Leadership Coach and author of the book “Productivity for how you are wired”. Ellen has over 20 years experience…

Episode 93: Spring Clearing – How to Get Organized for Spring
Spring is in the air, and we all know about spring cleaning, but did you know about spring clearing? On this episode I will be going through tips on spring clearing your bathroom, hall closet, bedroom, and kitchen.

Episode 92: How to Develop Habits that will Last
Did you know that having a clutter free and organized home has a lot to do with our daily habits? It is not always easy to create and stick to habits. We try to do a task and we do it for a few days and then we stop. Forming…

Episode 91: 7-Areas to Keep Tidy for Regular Maintenance
Do you struggle to keep your home organized? Perhaps, you tidy up an area of your home and then before you know it, the area is cluttered again. That can be so stressful and frustrating. In this week’s episode I go over 7…

Episode 90: How to Deal with the Loss of a Loved One
On this week’s episode, I will be chatting about dealing with the loss of a loved one. I will be discussing the recent loss of my 23 year old nephew, some of my client’s who lost their loved ones at a young age, and how…

Episode 89: How to Better Organize Your Bedroom
Let’s talk bedroom organization! Have you ever walked into your bedroom and wish you knew the best way to organize it? If so, this week’s episode is for you. I discuss 8 ways to better organize your bedroom.
Episode #42…

Episode 88: Kathy Answers Your Home Organizing Questions
You asked! I answered! On this week’s episode I am answering the 7 top Home Organizing questions that I have been asked lately. Some of the questions include the best way to organize clothes, fabric and photos, training for…

Episode 87: How to Clear Your Cluttered Mind
Do you find that sometimes your brain seems to be slowing down? You may forget things. You may find you can’t make decisions easily. You may feel like you have a list of to dos in your head that is a mile long. You are stressed…

Episode 86: How to Carve Out “Me Time” For Self-Care
Do you struggle with finding time for self-care? Do you do more for others and then find you don’t have the time for yourself? If so, this week’s episode is for you. I discuss why we don’t make time for ourselves, how…

Episode 85: How to Organize Your Home When You Have ADHD
If you have ADD/ADHD and struggle to keep your home organized, then this episode is for you. I provide lots of valuable tips that has helped other people with ADHD get their homes organized and stay organized. Don’t have…

Episode 84: 20 Home Organizing Mistakes You Do Not Want To Do!
Episode 84: 20 Home Organizing Mistakes You Do Not Want To Do!
After working with hundreds of clients, I learned firsthand some mistakes my clients were doing. I want to share 20 very common home organizing mistakes with you so you can get…

Episode 83: 21 Clutter-free Gift Ideas That Are Awesome
Episode 83: 21 Clutter-free Gift Ideas That Are Awesome
What do you get for those who have a lot of stuff and are hard to buy for? Clutter-free gifts! I go over 21 clutter-free gift ideas that are pretty darn awesome!
PLUS – I have…

Episode 82: Being Clutter Free and Organized Will Change Your Life
Episode 82: Being Clutter Free and Organized Will Change Your Life
Having an organized home is life changing. I go over 10 really important reasons why being clutter free and organized may change your life.
PLUS – I have a special…

Episode 81: How I Survived My Hectic Life, Challenges & Living With Less
Ep:81 How I survived My Hectic Life, Challenges And Living With Less
I am sharing my journey of overcoming challenges and changes I have been living with lately, as well as 7 lessons I learned by living with less.
PLUS – I have a…

Episode 80: How to Get Family Members on Board with Home Organizing
Do you struggle to get family members on board with getting your home decluttered, organized, and clean? If so, this episode is for you. I had a family of seven, so I had to learn these tricks really quick. I am sharing with you what…

Episode 79: How to Find the Right Declutter and Home Organizing Course or Program
E79 – How do I know if a home organizing course or program will work for me? That is a question I often get asked so on this week’s episode I am going to cover the difference between a course and program, what to look for when purchasing…

Episode 78: Meal Planning Made Easy
Meal planning doesn’t have to be difficult. On this week’s episode I go over 12 ways to make meal planning easy! If you do these 12 tips or some of them, your meal planning and your life will become easier, and you will become more productive.…

Episode 77: Surprising Statistics on the Effects of Clutter
On this episode we are talking about surprising clutter statistics and how clutter affects all of us.
It is all about the numbers and I love numbers.
You are going to be blown away by these statistics! The categories we are covering are…

Episode 76: How to Stop Digital Clutter
Do you struggle with digital clutter which can cause brain clutter?
Do you have way too many emails in your inbox?
Do you have a ton of apps? Do you have a bunch of files on your desktop?
Do you struggle to find the digital files you…

Episode 75: Easy Home Decorating Tips
Let’s talk home decorating! Do you want to decorate your home but struggle with what to do or where to start? If so, this episode is for you. I have a few (actually more than a few) I have 20 quick and easy tips up my sleeve that I am going…

Episode 74: Decluttering Made Easy
Do you have clutter and have a hard time letting go of your items? If so, you are not alone and that is why I came up with 12 awesome tips on how to make decluttering easier for you. This episode will definitely help you with your…

Episode 73: How to Let Go of Perfection
How to let go of perfection
On this weeks episode I am going to be talking about perfectionism. What is perfectionism, where it comes from, the disadvantages of being a perfectionist and how to let go of wanting everything to be perfect. I…

Episode 72: 10 Simple Habits for a More Organized Home
Did you know that having an organized home really comes down to habits?
Sure does.
And on this week's episode I will be covering 10 simple habits for a more organized home with one bonus habit at the end. All these habits are achievable…

Episode 71: Spring Clearing – Getting Organized for Spring
We all know about spring cleaning, but did you know about spring clearing?
Spring is in the air. Our days are getting longer, we’re opening our windows for the first time in months and we’re feeling a sense of renewal in the air.
On this…

Episode 70: Simple Ways to Limit Screen Time
Do you find yourself spending too much time on your phone, computer or laptop? Do you spend too much time on social media and scrolling through various apps, and not being as productive as you would like to be?
If so, this episode is for you.…

Episode 69: 5 Reasons Why Decluttering is Hard and How to Make it Easier
Has this ever happened to you?
You wake up one morning and decide, "Today is the day I'm going to declutter my home!"
So, you jump out of bed- excited with visions of a completely decluttered and organized home in your head, and you immediately…

Episode 68: 6 Mindset Shifts You Need for an Organized Home
Do you struggle with home organization? If so, you may want to shift your mindset to help you get the results you desire. In this week’s episode, I go over 6 mindset shifts you need to do to have an organized home.
Like so many…

Episode 67: 7 Important Home Organizing Questions Answered
Important home organizing questions:
Replay - You asked! I answered! I am answering the 7 top Home Organizing questions that I have been asked lately.
I get asked a lot of questions regarding home organization. I've compiled a list of the…

Episode 66: How to Become Organized in 20 Minutes or Less
Replay – Of our most popular podcast - Home organizing that can be done in 20 minutes or less?
Is that possible?
Yes it sure is and I will be explaining how. In our most popular podcast we'll be discussing 12 different tasks…

Episode 65: 7 Myths of Home Organizing
In this week’s episode, I go over 7 myths of home organizing. These sets of beliefs are not true and could be holding you back from getting your home organized. Have a listen to find out what the myths of home organizing are and their…

Episode 64: 15 Quick Tips to Overcome Procrastination
Do you procrastinate? Would you like to overcome your procrastination?
If you are like most people, you do. We often put things off that we just don’t want to do, even though we know we need to do it. Not to worry though, on this episode…

Episode 63: Very Important Downsizing Tips
Downsizing can be extremely stressful, especially if you have lived in your home for many years and you have to let some items go. On this week’s episode, I provide some very important tips to help anyone who is planning on downsizing. Check…

Episode 62: How to Make a To-do List Work for You
Did you know that there is a right and wrong way to create to-do lists? Yup, sure is. On this week’s episode I go over 6 ways to make a to-do list work for you, the benefits of a to-do list, tips to keep your to-do list running smoothly, and…

Episode 61: How to Organize and Declutter Your Home When You are Exhausted
Do you get exhausted with the thought of organizing your home? Do you want to get organized but are too tired to even think about it? Do your items start to pile up because you are too tired to organize? If so, this episode is for you. I provide…

Episode 60: How to Get Organized for 2022
Episode 60: How to Get Organized For 2022
Are you tired of bein in the same disarray as you were the year before?
The new year is a chance to try something new, get clarity and organized. In this episode I provide tips to help you have a successful…

Episode 59: How to Encourage a Messy Partner to Get Organized
Do you live with a partner who is messy? Do you wish he or she would tidy up, so you don’t have to come home to a mess? If so, this episode is for you. I go over how to encourage a messy partner to get organized.
P.S. I would be so grateful…

Episode 58: 7 Top Clutter Problem Areas and What’s Causing the Clutter
Do you have clutter in more than one area of your home? Most people do. On this week’s episode I discuss 7 Top Clutter Problem Areas in a home and what’s causing the clutter. I will give you a hint, cupboards and closets are one of them,…

Episode 57: 8 Easy Tips to Get Organized for Christmas
Are you ready to get organized for Christmas?
The holidays are a great time to see family and friends but it can also be a very stressful time. On this week’s episode I go over 8 Easy tips to get organized for Christmas, Hanukah or any holiday…

Episode 56: 15 Quick Tips to Save Money with an Organized Fridge
Don't think that a simple thing like an organized fridge can save you money?
Did you know that according to the United Nations, the average Canadian household wastes 140 kg of food per year? That is not only a lot of food waste, but a lot of…

Episode 55: Stressed out? I can relate! Important Tips to Reduce Your Stress Level
Are you feeling stressed? Would you like to reduce your stress?
If so, I can totally relate. In this episode I share how stressed I have been feeling, how it has affected my body, and what I am doing now to help reduce my stress level. If you…

Episode 54: Why do we have so much stuff?
You ever wonder why we have so much stuff? In this week’s episode I provide 8 reasons why we have soooo much stuff and what you can do to stop bringing in so many items into your home. The less items you have, the easier it is to have an organized,…

Episode 53: 8 Ways To Better Organize Your Bedroom
Let’s talk bedroom organization! Have you ever walked into your bedroom and wish you knew the best way to organize it? If so, this week’s episode is for you. I discuss 8 ways to better organize your bedroom.
More blogs for more info!

Episode 52: Meg’s Journey to Having an Organized Home
On this week’s episode I have the pleasure of speaking with Meg about her organizing journey. Meg is a momma and works long hours. Her home got messy and things started to really pile up. Learn how she went from having a messy home to having…

Episode 51: Elana’s Journey from Disorganization to an Organized Home
Episode 51: How a student went from disorganization to organized with the Calm the Clutter course.
On this week’s episode I had the privilege to chat with Elana, one of my Calm the Clutter students, about her disorganization to organized …

Episode 50: 7 Vital Home Organizing Questions Answered
Episode 50: 7 vital Home Organizing Questions Answered
On this week’s episode I answer 7 vital home organizing questions that I have been asked lately.
How do I organize my home that is super small and lacking space and storage?

Episode 49: Best Tips For Living a Productive, Simple Life
Do you wish you could have a more simple life? Or be more productive? On this week’s episode I cover several tips on how to have a more simplified and productive life, and how to reach your life goals.
P.S. I would be so grateful if you would…

Episode 48: 11 Easy Bathroom Organizing Tips
Episode 48: Easy bathroom organizing tips!
Bathroom clutter can be so overwhelming. If you have clutter in your bathroom, this episode is for you. I provide 11 easy bathroom organizing tips to help you so you can have a clutter free and organized…

Episode 47: 4 Habits You Need To Stay Organized
Did you know that in order to have an organized home and stay organized it all comes down to habits. Yup it sure does. So what kind of habits should you have? Have a listen as I go into detail exactly what you need to do to stay organized.

Episode 46: 10 Must Have Organizing Products For An Organized Home
Episode 46: 10 must have organizing products for an organized home
Do you ever wonder what organizing supplies to buy? Do you see lots of organizing products and get overwhelmed? If so, not to worry. Have a listen to this episode where I go…

Epsiode 45: What to do with Other People’s Stuff!
Episode 45: What to do with other People's stuff
Do you have other people’s stuff in your home? Are you keeping items for other individuals, and it is taking up valuable space in your home? Have you inherited a family members items and you…

Episode 44: Declutter and Organize Paperwork In 5 Easy Steps
Episode 44: Declutter and Organize Paperwork in 5 Easy Steps
Are you drowning in paperwork? Do you have piles of paper that needs to be organized? In this episode I provide 5 Easy steps to getting your paperwork under control and organized.

Episode 43: Learn How to Work From Home & Stay Organized
Episode 43: Learn how to work from home and stay organized
On this week’s episode I will be covering how to stay organized while working from home AND if you don’t work from home, that’s ok because the majority of the tips will help you…

Episode 42: How to Zone Your Home for Better Organization
Episode 42: How to zone your home for better organization
Did you know that you can zone your home for better organization? Having zones in place will make your home more functional and you will know exactly where to find your items. On this…

Episode 41: 5 Ways to Live Abundantly with Less
Did you know that you can live abundantly with less and that you don’t have to have a lot of "stuff" to have a rich life?
It’s true! And on this week's episode, I cover 5 ways to help you live abundantly and rich but with having less.

Episode 40: 5 Key Ways To Simplify Your Life
Episode 40: 5 key ways to simplify your life
Do you feel stressed and overwhelmed with trying to keep up with everything you do? Would you like a more simplified life?
On this week’s episode I cover 5 Key Ways to Simplify Your Life and…

Episode 39: 7 Life Changing Tips When You’re Overwhelmed with Laundry
Are you overwhelmed with laundry? Do you struggle to keep up with it? Do you have piles of laundry to do or piles of clean clothes that are not put away?
A common problem that I hear from a lot of people is that they feel overwhelmed by laundry.

Episode 38: How to Get Movitaved & Stay Motivated
Get Motivated Stay Motivated
Do you ever find yourself inspired to organize your home but lack the motivation to make it happen? In this episode, I'll give you tips on how to get motivated and stay motivated through all the stages of your project.

Episode 37: 10 Amazing Clutter-Free Gifts For Mom
Episode 37: 10 Amazing Clutter-Free Gifts For Mom
Not sure what to get your Mom for Mother’s Day? Clutter-free gifts for mom are always a good choice. Not sure what kind of clutter-free gift to get her? Tune in as I go over 10 amazing…

Episode 36: The REAL difference between decluttering and organizing
Episode 36: The REAL difference between decluttering and organizing
Did you know there is a REAL difference between decluttering and organizing? On this episode certified professional organizer Kathy McEwan explains the differences and provide…

Episode 35: 10 Simple Tips to Organize Your Kitchen And You For Healthy Eating
Episode 35 Show Notes: Organize your kitchen
Do you want to get your kitchen and yourself organized so that you can start eating healthier? In this episode I will share 10 simple tips that will help you organize your kitchen, and the…

Episode 34: Dealing with Trauma with Acclaimed Filmmaker Eric Christiansen
From dealing with trauma to acclaimed filmmaker! Wow, what a privilege it was speaking with 7 time Emmy winner and filmmaker Eric Christiansen about trauma and hope.
We discussed:
The stigma of mental heath
How Eric believes…

Episode 33: Productivity Tips from a Mama of 10 Children
Show Notes – Episode 33 – Productivity Tips from a Mama of 10 Children!
I had the absolute pleasure of chatting with Laura Hernandez founder of mama systems and mother of 10 children about productivity tips. With that many people living…

Episode 32: How to Become More Organized In 20 Minutes or Less
Show Notes: How to become more organized
Home organizing that can be done in 20 minutes or less? Wait?? What?? Is that possible? Yes it sure is and I will be explaining how. I will be discussing 12 different tasks that you can do in 20 minutes…

Episode 31: 10 Great Tips to Help You Remember Your Tasks
How to remember your tasks.
Do you sometimes forget to do your tasks? We all get busy and forgetting important tasks or important dates can be really challenging to our overall success. Not to mention how overwhelming we can feel when we…

Episode 30: 7 Important Home Organizing Questions Answered
Important home organizing questions.
In this episode I answer some really important home organizing questions that were asked by community members in our Facebook group Organize for Success. If you have clutter, there is a good chance…

Episode 29: How Being Organize Can Change Your Life
How to change your life!
Having an organized home is life changing. It really is! If you have a lot of clutter than this episode is for you. On this episode I provide 7 top ways being organized is life changing. I also provide examples of what…

Episode 28: 7 Ways To Increase Productivity In A Crisis
Increase productivity
Life in general can be stressful at times which can lower our productivity level but add a crisis in the mix and it is even harder to get everything you want done. Do you wish you had more time to do the things you love…

Episode 27: An Interview With Dr. Robin Zasio, Psy.D., LCSW
Wow! I had the absolute pleasure of chatting with Dr. Robin Zasio from the hit show “Hoarders”. This episode is jam packed with tons of information.
We discuss:
Dr. Robin Zasio’s background in Psychology…

Episode 26: Home Organizing is Not About Tidying Up and Here is Why!
Home Organizing Isn’t About Tidying Up and Here’s Why
Did you know that home organizing isn’t really about tidying up? Sure, you have to tidy up in order to have an organized home. That’s very true! But that is not really what…

Episode 25: Home Organizing During Covid-19
Home Organizing During Covid-19
The Coronavirus has taken a real toll on our society and I hope you and your loved ones are staying safe. I am thinking about all of you during this difficult time.
Now more than ever is a good…

Episode 24: Increase Productivity And Decrease Stress
Want to decrease stress and increase productivity? If so, check out my conversation with community curator, speaker and author Katie Jefcoat. We discuss tips on being more productive and the importance of knowing what your priorities are.…

Episode 23: Estate Planning – How to Get Your Affairs in Order and Organized
Being organized does not always mean having an organized home. There are many areas of your life that you can get organized, including Estate Planning. This episode covers everything you need to know when it comes to wills…

Episode 22: 7 Top Home Organizing Questions Answered
DescriptionYou asked! I answered! On this week’s episode we change things up a bit. I am answering the 7 top Home Organizing questions that I have been asked lately. My goal is to help you as much as possible get organized so some of the…

Episode 21: A Journey from Addiction, Clutter & PTSD To Motivational Speaker
A journey from PTSD, Clutter, Alcoholism, Drug Addiction, and so much more, to living a clean and productive life and giving back to others. That is what this episode is all about. I had the absolute pleasure speaking…

Episode 20: The Link Between Depression and Clutter
Depression and clutter show Notes :
In this episode, I will be discussing:
The links between depression and clutter.
Does depression cause clutter and vice versa?
How having clutter makes us feel
My personal journey

Episode 19: How to Get Organized When Travelling
Do you plan on taking a trip in the near future? If so, this episode is for you. I am super excited to be discussing getting organized when travelling with travelling expert and past travel agent Natalia Bye. We dive deep into travel tips…

Episode 18: Multi-tasking is a Myth and here’s why!
Multi-tasking is a Myth and here’s why!
Do you multitask? Most of us do but is it a good idea? Do you think you are more productive when you multitask? If so, I beg to differ and I will explain why. In this episode I will be discussing…

Episode 17: How Meditation Can Help You Become Less Stressed
Show Notes – Episode 17
Are there times that you feel really stressed out? I bet you do, right? We all do. Perhaps you are stressed because you walk into a home that has clutter and you would rather have a home that is…

Episode 16: Closets and Clothes
Description- closet and clothes
Episode 16 Show notes
Do you ever open your closet and think “I have nothing to wear!” even though there is no shortage of clothing, shoes and accessories? Or you go to your closet and…

Episode 15: Behind in Getting Your Tasks Done? What I did to keep me on track and get organized!
Do you ever get behind in your tasks and feel overwhelmed? Want to get organized and stay on track?
If so, I am going to share with you how I have been feeling lately, how my tasks have been falling behind, and what I did…

Episode 14: 20 Ways Moms Can Get Organized – PART 2
Episode 14 –20 Ways Moms Can Get Organized –Part 2 Are you a busy mom (or dad)?
Do you struggle with finding the time to get everything done?
Do you feel overwhelmed, stressed and tired?
If so this episode is for…

Episode 13: 20 Ways Moms Can Get Organized
20 Ways Moms Can Get Organized
Hey Moms (and Dad’s) do you find there is not enough time in the day to get your home organized? Do you wish you could come home after a busy day to a home that is organized,…

Episode 12: How an Accountability Partner can help you get organized once and for all!
Are you struggling to get your home organized? If so, you may need an accountability partner who can help you stay on track and accomplish your home organizing goals. In this week’sepisode, I discuss how an accountability…

Episode 11: 10 Top Reasons Why We Have Clutter and What We Can Do About it!
Episode 11 –10 Top Reasons Why We Have Clutter and What We Can Do About it!
Do you have clutter? Do youever wonder why you have so much clutter? Well there are lots of reasons why people have clutter, and not everyone…

Episode 10: The Cost of Clutter – You may be very surprised
Do you know the cost of clutter? Do you have a lot of clutter? In this week’s episode we discuss various ways that clutter is costing you, and it is not all about finances. Yes, we will talk finances but we are also…

Episode 09: Four Types of Disorganization. Which category do you fall under?
Do you have a lot of clutter? There are 4 types of disorganization, which category you fall under?
In this week’s episode, I talk about 4 types of disorganization and the difference between them. Hint, one is a disorder…

Episode 08: Mental Clutter – 7 Reasons why we have mental clutter and how we can clear our minds once and for all!
Episode 8 Mental Clutter – 7 Reasons why we have mental clutter and how we can clear our minds once and for all!
Do you ever feel like your brain is racing so fast that you are feeling overwhelmed due to your own thoughts?…

Episode 07: How To Become More Productive In 7 Easy Steps
Download PDF Shown Above
Do you wish you had more time in your day to do the things you love to do? Do you feel overwhelmed with all that needs to be done? Do you want to have more productive days? If…

Episode 06: Downsizing! Should I Sell My Stuff
Are you downsizing or know someone who is? On today’s episode we chat with accredited appraiser, Gisele Grenier Miller on downsizing and selling items. There are many different ways to sell items and we discuss…

Episode 05: Organize Your Finances With Guest Pamela George
Do you have credit problems or want to organize your finances so you will have the money to do the things you love to do? If so, this episode is for you.
We chat with Pamela George, a Financial Literacy and Credit…

Episode 04: Marie Kondo Method vs Kathy McEwan Method
Episode # 4 Marie Kondo Method vs Kathy McEwan Method
There has been a lot of hype around the new show with Marie Kondo called “Tidying up”, and because of it, I am getting a ton of people asking me what…

Episode 03: Organizing for a Move Part 2
7 Top Tips to an Organized Move
Do you feel overwhelmed with the thought of moving? Whether you are moving in the near future or in the next few years, this episode will give you the tips you need to have an organized…

Episode 02: Organizing for a Move – Part 1
Have you ever felt overwhelmed when getting ready to move?
I know I have. I have moved 11 times and know first-hand how overwhelming moving can be.
This episode is part one of a two part Organizing for a Move series. In this…

Episode 01: Learning to Let Go!
Episode 1 – Learning to Let Go!
Have you ever tried to get organized but you struggle with letting things go?
In this episode, (my very first one), I start off sharing why I decided to start a home organizing business,…