Home Organizing During Covid-19
The last thing that may be on your mind right now is home organizing during covid-19. The Coronavirus has taken a real toll on our society, and I hope you and your loved ones are staying safe.
Why now is a good time to get organized!
Now more than ever is a good time to get your home organized and I will explain why. Most of us are home right now since we are self-isolating. A lot of us have the added stress of not knowing if we are going to have jobs in the future. Many people are struggling financially. Some have the stress of being home with children and having to home school them. Not that we don’t love our children, but many people are finding it stressful. Having a lot of stress can be emotionally exhausting AND having a messy home can be stressful! All of this stress can be draining and even depressive. We can’t control what is going on with the Coronavirus, or if we are going to be laid off, but we do have control of having an organized home.
When you get an area of your home organized, it is exhilarating. It makes you feel happy. I always say that being organized is like having a breath of fresh air. You feel amazing.
So now more than ever is the time to get your home organized. I know if will be harder for you to find the time. Especially if you have children, or looking after loved ones in your home. But ask your children to pitch in and help. Get them to tidy up e very day before they go to bed. Kids still need routine. Put tidying up as part of their daily routine. You need support right now more than ever, so have everyone in your household help out if they can.
If you live alone, you can do it! You can tackle an area of your home and get it organized. I know you can!
One thing you may not be able to do while organizing during the Covid-19
A key part of the organizing process is deciding what to keep and what not to. Clear bags and boxes will allow you to quickly organize donations. When the bags or boxes are full, I suggest you put them in your vehicle and drop them off to be donated a.s.a.p. I suggest dropping them off a.s.a.p. because you want the items out of the house as soon as possible to create more space.
Right now times are different. Dropping off donations may not be possible for you at this time. I am located in Ottawa, ON, Canada and I can no longer drop off donations because everywhere we normally drop them off are closed due to the covid-19. Therefore, I suggest that you go through your items, pack them up to be donated, but keep them in your garage, basement, or a place that you will be able to put them until you can drop them off. If you have items that you want to sell, then keep those items all together in one place and arrange to sell them when the time is right.
Keep these items handy before you start to organize a room in your home
I mentioned having donation bags or boxes in the room you are going to organize. I also suggest that you have garbage bags, recycle bins and if your room has a lot of paper in it, then have a box for shredding. Keep all these items in the room with you before you start the organizing process. That way you will not have to leave the room to go put something in the garbage, or recycle etc. This will save you time when organizing and also keep you in one room and on track so you don’t get distracted leaving the room.
Still struggling to get organized?
If you are trying to do home organizing during covid-19, but you can’t seem to get started, or you start but then you get stuck and not sure what to do next, then I recommend that you start by taking our FREE masterclass.
Make sure you sign up for our FREE Masterclass on the 3 Most Important Steps to Decluttering And Organizing Your Home!
Our FAV Home Organizing Courses:
Learn how to organize every room of your home and stay organized with our popular Calm the Clutter program.
No more piles of paperwork! Our Paper Organization: How to Declutter and Organize Paperwork course is at an unbelievable low price!
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