Have you ever scrolled through Pinterest and seen beautifully organized homes where everything has its place?
Blankets rolled up in stylish baskets and every kitchen utensil sits nicely in a drawer perfectly sectioned off and easy to find.
Do you secretly laugh to yourself and think, “That’s not what my kitchen utensil drawer looks like”!
If so, you’re not alone. But that picture of what looks like perfection is a systemized way of keeping your house organized. And guess what?
Everyone can do it.
It’s just a matter of getting past a few myths about home organization. Below I debunk some of the things people think when starting their journey towards an organized and clutter-free home.
Being organized means being perfect– Clutter Happens.
Especially when you’re sharing a space with people other than yourself, so nestle into the fact that there’ll always be something to pick up and put away or to recycle, donate or throw away. What’s important is the system you put in place to keep your home at the level of organized that makes you and your family feel good.
Tip: Stay on top of clutter by finding a schedule that works for you. If you like to tidy up before you change out of your work clothes, create a routine that has you tidying up before settling down and relaxing for the evening. Maybe you prefer to relax before tidying up, or perhaps you’re the early riser and like to tidy up then. Either way, create a system or routine that allows you to do a little each day.
Myth #2
Organizing takes too much time– Wouldn’t it be great if we could wave a magic want and and everything would magically go back in its place?
We agree.
Unfortunately, organizing and decluttering your home isn’t quite that easy, but it doesn’t have to take up an entire weekend either.
Similar to the myth of perfection, organizing won’t take up much time if you have a system in place to keep you on track. Allowing yourself 10-15 minutes/day for tidying and organizing up may actually save you time.
Ask yourself, how much time do you spend looking for your things?
Ikea did a study on how much time people spend looking for things. On average, we spend 1-10 minutes looking for our things which can add up to 5000 hours over our lifetime.
Yes, it will take time to get your home organized to the level of functionality you want. However, this too can be done over time and then it’s just about maintenance.
Myth #3
Being disorganized is just who I am- While some people may enjoy organizing more than others, it’s a skill that can be learned and developed. Therefore, if you desire to learn, you can become an organized person.
Myth #4
I don’t have enough storage space- On one hand, this statement is subjective. Home organization is about knowing what you own, where to find it and a system to get it back there once it’s been moved or used. It’s entirely up to you how much stuff you want to keep. If you’re going to keep more things than your space allows, you will live in clutter. You’ll shove your stuff in closets until they overflow, or you’ll decide to declutter and get organized. I understand that it is harder to keep things organized when you have limited space, but unfortunately, if you lack space, you need to have less stuff.
Myth # 5
Organizing is something you do once- Setting up systems may be something you do once and tweak them now and again- but tidying up and re-organizing is ongoing.
Myth #6
To be organized, you must throw away everything- Getting organized is about decision-making and how much you want to keep is entirely up to you. And while parting with important heirlooms or sentimental items is something to consider- it’s not necessary. What is necessary is deciding what needs to stay in your home and take up space and what needs to be let go.
If you have trouble letting your things go, check out our free masterclass on the 3 Important Steps to Decluttering and Organizing Your Home. In that masterclass, we cover how to let go of those items you struggle to let go, plus so much more!
Myth #7
Too expensive to get expert advice- Some would argue that it’s costing you more when you’re living in clutter, than it is to join a declutter program and learn exactly the steps to take to have an organized home and maintain organization . The truth is, in school, we didn’t learn how to run an organized home. But the good news is that you can learn.
Many of us can figure out ways to create more space, but a professional can help you maximize that space. They can also teach you how to have a home organization system that’s needed so you don’t end up in the same situation again in the future.
If you’ve been feeling:
- That your home is causing you stress and anxiety
- Your things don’t have a home
- You’re constantly looking for your stuff
it may be time to consider getting expert help.
Make sure you sign up for our FREE Masterclass on the 3 Most Important Steps to Decluttering And Organizing Your Home!
Our FAV Home Organizing Courses:
Learn how to organize every room of your home and stay organized with our popular Calm the Clutter program.
No more piles of paperwork! Our Paper Organization: How to Declutter and Organize Paperwork course is at an unbelievable low price!
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